Part Two Section One The Sacramental Economy - Chapter 2 The Paschal Mystery in the Age of the Church


Where is the liturgy celebrated?

245. What are sacred buildings?

They are the houses of God, a symbol of the Church that lives in that place as well as of the heavenly Jerusalem. Above all they are places of prayer in which the Church celebrates the Eucharist and worships Christ who is truly present in the tabernacle.


Part Two Section One The Sacramental Economy - Chapter 2 The Paschal Mystery in the Age of the Church


When is the liturgy celebrated?

241. What is the center of the liturgical season?

The center of the liturgical season is Sunday which is the foundation and kernel of the entire liturgical year and has its culmination in the annual celebration of Easter, the feast of feasts.


Part Two Section One The Sacramental Economy - Chapter 2 The Sacramental Celebration of the Paschal Mystery


Who celebrates?

233. Who acts in the liturgy?

In the liturgy it is the whole Christ (Christus Totus) who acts, Head and Body. As our High Priest he celebrates with his body, which is the Church in heaven and on earth.


Part Two Section One The Sacramental Economy - Chapter 1 The Paschal Mystery in the Age of the Church


228. What is the relationship between the sacraments and faith?

The sacraments not only presuppose faith but with words and ritual elements they nourish, strengthen, and express it. By celebrating the sacraments, the Church professes the faith that comes from the apostles. This explains the origin of the ancient saying, “lex orandi, lex credendi, ” that is, the Church believes as she prays.


Part Two Section One The Sacramental Economy - Chapter 2 The Sacramental Celebration of the Paschal Mystery


How is the liturgy celebrated?

237. From where do the sacramental signs come?

Some come from created things (light, water, fire, bread, wine, oil); others come from social life (washing, anointing, breaking of bread). Still others come from the history of salvation in the Old Covenant (the Passover rites, the sacrifices, the laying on of hands, the consecrations). These signs, some of which are normative and unchangeable, were taken up by Christ and are made the bearers of his saving and sanctifying action.