St. Francisco Marto: The Contemplative Child

11-08-2023Eucharistic Saints

All three children, Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco, received the same messages from heaven. Yet, each of them had a special part of it they stressed, while not forgetting the other parts. The life of Francisco Marto shows us the proper and true Catholic devotion to the angels, the saints and Mary, the Queen of all. Francisco was awed at the beauty and goodness of the angel and of the Mother of God, but it was especially Jesus that occupied his attention. Francisco preferred to think mostly of consoling Our Lord and Our Lady, both of whom seemed so sad at sin.

It has always been a point of interest that Francisco never heard the angel or Our Blessed Mother speak but he saw them. One time he said to Lucia: "You spoke to the angel; what did he say?"  Both Lucia and Jacinta felt so awed and lacking in strength that they refused to speak about the angel until some days later when their strength returned. When Lucia finally told Francisco all that the angel had said, he could not understand everything and asked her many questions.  His inquiring nature was the beginning of a contemplative journey for this young saint. 

During the final angelic apparition the angel gave Lucia the Host and her two younger cousins the chalice to drink from. After this apparition Francisco questioned again: "Oh, Lucia, the angel gave you Holy Communion, but what was it he gave Jacinta and me?" It was Jacinta who answered his question. "It was the same," she said. "It was Holy Communion. Didn't you see that it was the Blood that fell from the Host?”  Although he was in deep meditation, and it was difficult to speak, he said, "I felt that God was in me, but I did not understand in what way." The three little shepherds knelt down and remained that way for a long time saying the prayer to the Holy Trinity.

When Our Lady first appeared, Francisco did not immediately see her. He knew that Lucia and Jacinta were seeing something very special. Our Lady then told Lucia to tell Francisco to say the Rosary and he would see the beautiful Lady from heaven.  He took out his rosary and had said about five Hail Marys when he could see the beautiful heavenly Lady bathed in brilliant light, brighter than the sun. Was not Our Lady in this incident again leading Francisco to become more of the contemplative?  He must think, inquire, and pray.  When Lucia asked if Francisco would go to heaven too, Our Lady said, "Yes, but first he must say many Rosaries." Learning this, Francisco cried out excitedly: "Oh, Our Lady, I will say all the Rosaries you wish!"

Sometimes when Lucia and Jacinta would be at play, Francisco would go off by himself to pray the Rosary.  He would tell them: "I was thinking about God, who is so offended by the innumerable sins committed. What would I not give to be able to console Him." Francisco was very taken up with the desire to console God, so offended by sin. The spirit of contemplation sank more deeply into his being. Pressed by his sister and cousin to come play, he would hold up his rosary beads. He would say "Afterwards!  Don't you remember that I must say many Rosaries before I can go to heaven?"

One day Lucia asked Francisco which he liked best, to console Our Lord or to convert sinners to prevent more souls from going to hell.  Francisco did not have to hesitate to answer that question. "I prefer to console Our Lord. Don't you remember last month how Our Lady became so sad when she asked us not to offend Our Lord who was already so offended?  I want to console Our Lord, and then to convert sinners so that they won't offend Him anymore." 

When his parents began to send him to school, he knew that he would go to heaven soon anyway. He would go only as far as the Fatima church and then say to Lucia: "You go on to school while I stay here in the church. It is not worth my while learning to read, as I will soon be going to heaven. Call for me on your return."  Francisco would remain in church the entire school day. He'd go right up to the altar, immediately before the Hidden Jesus in the tabernacle. He would place his arms on the altar. Kneeling, he would adore his Lord and God there present. There he would console his God.

On December 23, 1918, Francisco developed bronchial pneumonia. He said he would go to heaven soon and added: "Oh, when I am there, I will console Jesus and Our Lady a great deal!"  After meticulously examining his conscience and making a good confession, Francisco, near death, received Holy Communion from the priest who came to his home. After receiving the Hidden Jesus he lay for a long time with his eyes shut, making a good thanksgiving. "Today," he said to Jacinta, suffering from the same illness, "I am happier than you are, for I have the Hidden Jesus in my heart!" The evening before he died Lucia came to see him for a last farewell. She said, "Good-bye, Francisco. If you die during the night, do not forget me up there!"  He responded, "You may rest assured, I will never forget you," and he took hold of her hand and looked at Lucia for a long time with tears in his eyes. "Good-bye then, Francisco, until we meet in heaven."

Rev. Robert J. Fox. “The Spirituality of Francisco Marto.”